"Amazing Tastes of Thailand" to be held in Phuket

The Tourism Authority of Thailand invites people, both Thai and foreign, to experience the aesthetics of Thai kitchen at the "Amazing Tastes of Thailand” fair to be held on September 19-20.
"Amazing Tastes of Thailand" to be held in Phuket ảnh 1Illustrative Image (Photo:inspirephuketkrabi.com)

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) invites people, both Thai and foreign, to experience the aesthetics of Thai kitchen at the "Amazing Tastes of Thailand” fair to be held on September 19-20 from 4 pm - 11 pm in Thailand’s most popular tourism province of Phuket. 

The two-day event will take place at the Dragon Plaza in Mueang District with various activities on offer to visitors such as the "Best of the Best Thai Dishes" from seven zones across Thailand to be presented in original atmosphere of Thai culture. Another highlight is the "Thai Exotic Zone” displaying innovative styles of food preparations by Iron Chef Thailand. 

"Cooking Class on Stage” will be run by locally famous cooking schools. Foreign visitors will be able to take part in Thai food cooking competitions. Besides, winning singers from ‘The Voice’ and ‘Academy Fantasia’ will hold mini-concerts while games will be arranged throughout the event with many grand prizes.-VNA


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