An important link in the public administration reform of Quang Ninh

Since the Center for Public Administration of Quang Ninh province was put into operation, all administrative tasks of the people have been shortened significantly.

As a chief accountant at a company in Quang Ninh, Ms. Nguyen Thi Loan has lots of things to work with the province's public administrative units. Previously, to complete an administrative task, Ms. Loan had to travel many times. But now after only 15 minutes, she has completed the procedures.

Since the Center for Public Administration of Quang Ninh province was put into operation, all administrative tasks of the people have been shortened significantly.

Currently, 1.435 administrative procedures have been resolved at the Center, of which 1.380 are administrative procedures of departments and branches of the province. The rest are from the provincial police, electricity, Quang Ninh water company, the provincial tax department, and the provincial social insurance.

Since July 1, 2016, when the People's Committee of Quang Ninh province directed the synchronous implementation of online public service provision for organizations and individuals in the whole locality, the Provincial Public Administration Service Center have received and processed 32.884 online documents, accounting for 35,6% of the files resolved, focus mainly on departments and units of transport, health, industry and trade, planning and investment, construction, agriculture, and rural development.

The highlight of the Quang Ninh Provincial Public Administration Service Center is that this is the only focal agency that focuses on handling administrative procedures of all competent State agencies and many regular administrative procedures that have high transaction frequency for enterprises and citizens (such as enterprises trading electricity and clean water).

So, the organization of the province's public administrative procedures has been proceeded in a professional, modern, public, and transparent to all processes and regulations with the supervision of enterprises and citizens. Officers of departments, branches sent to work at the Center are selected and carefully reviewed and concurrently hold the title of deputy head of the department or equivalent or higher to have the authority to handle administrative procedures within a day for business and people.

Therefore, the processing time is shortened by an average of 50 - 70% compared to the time according to general regulations. With the local socio-economic development strategy, to attract investors to Quang Ninh, the Public Administration Service Center is an important and breakthrough link in the process of changing administrative procedures of the province./.


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