Aquatic, tourism key sectors for Quang Tri growth: Party chief

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has asked the central province of Quang Tri to optimise its strong potential in agro-forestry, sea-based economy and tourism to boost local socio-economic development during a working session with provincial key leaders on February 5.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has asked the central province of Quang Tri to optimise its strong potential in agro-forestry, sea-based economy and tourism to boost local socio-economic development during a working session with provincial key leaders on February 5.

Stressing the strategic importance of Quang Tri in the economy, security and defence of the central region and the nation as a whole, he asked the province to ensure the harmony of socio-economic growth and strong security while expanding external relations.

He praised the province for good Party congress preparations at all levels, urging it to continuously implement the resolution on Party building.

Emphasising the significance of personnel development in Party building, he requested the locality focus on personnel training and ensuring the quality of Party officials and members.

During his trip, the Party leader visited policy beneficiary families, and offered incense to heroic martyrs at Truong Son National Martyrs Cemetery and Road 9 cemetery.

Last year, Quang Tri recorded an economic growth of 6.7 percent with a GDP per capita of 29.7 million VND (1.4 million USD), an 11 percent increase from the previous year. Food production of the locality hit a record 270,000 tonnes.

So far, three communes in the province have been recognised as new-style rural areas. Quang Tri’s La Lay border gate was also upgraded to an international gate, opening new development prospects for the locality.-VNA

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