The cooperative plan wasestablished in October, 2010 following the Vietnamese Government’srequest for technical assistance on the issue, Argentinean press citedthe EAAF president as saying.
Last year, two EAAF experts cameto Vietnam to provide training in forensic anthropology andidentification of remains in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City .
Thegroup also welcomed t wo officials from the Vietnam NationalInstitute of Forensic Anthropology to gain experience at itsheadquarters in Cordoba province last December.
Accordingto Fondebrider, the two sides will cooperate in the search for theremains of missing soldiers and also confirm identification of naturaldisaster victims.
Maria Mercedes Salado , who came toVietnam to provide training , said Argentinean experts will return toVietnam in the coming months for further specific assistance. TheEAAF will invite Vietnamese officials, including those from the Ministryof Public Security, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of NationalDefence, to Argentina for training.
More than one million people were reported missing during the war that ended almost four decades ago.
The EAAF is a non-governmental scientific organisation with experience in forensic anthropology and genetics./.