ADSOM WG heads and representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat are updated on the ASEAN defence cooperation process since the last online meeting in May. (Photo: VNA)
Preparation work for ADSOM on November 17, ADSOM Plus WG on November 18, and ADSOM Plus on November 19 is tabled at the meeting. (Photo: VNA)
The ASEAN Defence Senior Officials' Meeting Working Group is held via video conference. (Photo: VNA)
The ASEAN Defence Senior Officials' Meeting Working Group is held via video conference. (Photo: VNA)
The meeting is held under the Chair of Lieutenant General Vu Chien Thang, Director of Defence Ministry’s Foreign Relations Department and head of Vietnam’s ADSOM WG. (Photo: VNA)
The ASEAN Defence Senior Officials' Meeting Working Group is held via video conference. (Photo: VNA)