ASEAN remains a focus in Indonesia’s foreign policy: official

Indonesia regards the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as an important focus due to benefits the ASEAN Community could bring about to the country, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said.
ASEAN remains a focus in Indonesia’s foreign policy: official ảnh 1Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi (Photo:

Jakarta (VNA) – Indonesia regards the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as an important focus due to benefits the ASEAN Community could bring about to the country, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said.

She said on January 7 that with the three pillar issues of politics-security, economy and culture-society, ASEAN continues to be a cornerstone in Indonesia’s foreign policy in 2016 and for following years.

Indonesia supports the bloc’s centrality in the regional security architecture, and it will actively contribute to the ASEAN Economic Community and join in solving social and cultural issues so as to guarantee ASEAN’s identity.

Regarding debatable issues among some ASEAN member countries like the East Sea matter, Indonesia encourages the nations to settle the problems peacefully and effectively. It is also willing to act as a mediator for the ultimate goal of a peaceful, stable and affluent ASEAN, the official added.

Retno Marsudi said her country will also continue promoting cooperation with non-ASEAN countries and international organisations in 2016, for their respective benefits both for the region and globally.

The Indonesian Government will continue a plan to transform the country into a global maritime axis, for the sake of Indonesia as well as other countries around the world, she noted.-VNA


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