More than 200 participants, including officials and representativesfrom ASEAN member states, the UK, as well as other external partners and theprivate sector, attended the event.
The conference unveiled the upcoming ASEAN SustainableLeadership in Infrastructure Programme (ASLIP), a modular course for ASEANofficials with a focus on pre-procurement and upstream infrastructure planning.It also facilitated discussions on government-private sector collaboration insustainable infrastructure as well as key issues on strategies andconsiderations in building sustainability towards net zero, urbanisation, andinclusivity and social impacts.
ASEAN Secretary-General Dato Lim Jock Hoi, British Ministerfor Asia and Middle East Amanda Milling and Director Genera of the Cambodian Ministry of Public Worksand Transport Chhieng Pich delivered opening remarks.
In his remarks, Lim emphasised theneed to strengthen capacity in infrastructure planning, prioritising, delivery,operations, and management.
“ASEAN continues to focus on enhancing connectivity andpromoting sustainable infrastructure to make the region more competitive,accessible, and liveable,” he said. “Achieving these goals requires us tostrengthen the enabling environment for sustainable infrastructure, improveproject preparation, and tap into different sources of funding, considering theunique context of each member state.”
The Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 underscores theimportance of coordinating resources to deliver support across the fulllifecycle of infrastructure projects in ASEAN, which includes projectpreparation as well as improving infrastructure productivity and capabilitybuilding.
The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the need for capacitybuilding on key infrastructure sectors, particularly in strengthening humanresources capacity to drive sustainable infrastructure in the region./.