Ambassador Trung made the statement at the debate themed “OperationalActivities for Development” of the UN’s Financial and Economic Committee(Second Committee) within the 68 th UN General Assembly on October 14.
He expressed his hope that sponsors will strengthenfinancial assistance, as well as transfer knowledge and technology toserve the cooperation process.
The Vietnamesediplomat spoke highly of the UN’s role and support in developmentactivities, encouraging the organisation, together with ASEAN, to boostthe implementation of the two sides’ joint statement on comprehensivecooperation, including prioritising the implementation of the MillenniumDevelopment Goals and building an ASEAN Community.
He also praised the efforts to reform the UN development system in amore effective way, affirming the importance of the Government’smastership.
He called for sponsors to sustainsources for development activities, especially to deal with increasinglydiverse challenges.
During the debate, developingcountries expressed their worry about the decrease in the UN’s sourcesfor development activities, which has caused negative impacts on theimplementation of development programmes, particularly in the mostunderdeveloped countries.
Delegates from developingcountries agreed that the large disparity between regular and irregularsources leads to instability in building the budget, while those fromdeveloped nations affirmed the need to improve the use of the sources bydifferent methods based on a resolution on Quadrennial ComprehensivePolicy Review of Operational Activities for Development.-VNA