Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister NguyenXuan Phuc chaired the 23rd ASEAN-China Summit held online on November 12afternoon with the participation of ASEAN leaders, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang,and the bloc’s Secretary-General Lim Jock Hoi.
Opening the event, PM Phuc affirmed that theASEAN-China strategic partnership and comprehensive cooperation are among themost dynamic and substantive partner relations of ASEAN.
Both sides are leading trade partners of eachother, he said, noting that during the three decades of their efforts andcontributions, the dialogue and cooperative relations between ASEAN and Chinahave been unceasingly promoted and expanded to various fields, generatingpractical benefits for both sides.
He emphasised that China is the first partner tohave discussed and coordinated with ASEAN in COVID-19 response, and joinedhands with the bloc to carry out many concrete and practical activities,including sharing information and experience and assisting to improve thecapacity of preventing and controlling COVID-19.
Despite challenges posed by the pandemic,ASEAN-China cooperation activities have still been implemented as planned in aflexible manner while bilateral trade remains stable, according to the PM.
For his part, the Chinese Premier affirmed thatASEAN is a high priority in his country’s neighborhood policy.
China will continue helping ASEAN with communitybuilding, supporting the bloc’s central role in the region, and closelycoordinating with it to improve the epidemic response capacity, minimise thepandemic’s socio-economic impact, and help with recovery and sustainabledevelopment, he said.
The Chinese side also pledged close coordinationwith ASEAN in the development and production of COVID-19 vaccines and medicine,noting that it will actively consider support to promote ASEAN people’s extensiveaccess to vaccines.
Regarding cooperation orientations for the timeahead, both ASEAN and China underlined the need for continued cooperation toeffectively respond to COVID-19 and carry out post-pandemic economic recoveryefforts.
They agreed to effectively implement therecently approved plan of action for 2021-2025 and decided that 2021 will bethe ASEAN-China Year of Sustainable Development.
ASEAN and China will strengthen tradeconnectivity, ensure regional supply chains are maintained, effectively carryout the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement, promote trade liberalisation, step upthe application of digital technology, ensure cyber security, and develop adigital economy, the participating leaders said.
China affirmed that it will encourage the importof agricultural products from ASEAN while creating conditions for Chinese investorsto increase investment in the bloc and for ASEAN enterprises to invest and dobusiness in China.
ASEAN countries welcomed China’s commitment toproviding 1 million USD for the ASEAN COVID-19 Response Fund and assisting themember nations to improve their epidemic response capacity.
ASEAN suggested the Northeast Asian country keepsupporting the bloc’s anti-epidemic initiatives, including the stockpile ofmedical supplies, as well as efforts to address the pandemic’s consequences andpromote recovery via the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework, announced atthe 37th ASEAN Summit.
Discussing the international and regionalsituation, the leaders of both sides shared the view on the importance ofbuilding the East Sea into a sea of peace, security, stability, andcooperation.
ASEAN affirmed its consistent principled stanceof respecting law, increasing dialogue and building trust, exercisingself-restraint, not having actions that may complicate the situation, andpeacefully resolving disputes and differences on the basis of international lawand the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Looking towards the 30th founding anniversary ofASEAN-China ties in 2021 and to overcome current challenges, PM Phuc suggestedthe two sides intensify collaboration to fight against COVID-19, deal with thepandemic’s aftermath, and promote comprehensive recovery.
They should actively assist businesses tocapitalise on advantages generated by science-technology and digitaltransformation for recovery, ensure the stability of supply chains, strengthenconnectivity, and foster sustainable development that puts people at the centreand leaves no one behind, the Vietnamese leader recommended.
He stressed that as a big country and theworld’s second largest economy, China’s role and its active and responsiblecontributions to regional and global peace, stability, and development arealways highly appreciated.
He welcomed China’s support for the centralityof ASEAN and its active contributions to efforts to promote dialogue,cooperation, and trust building via ASEAN-chaired and -led frameworks in theregion.
In terms of the East Sea issue, PM Phucreiterated ASEAN’s principled stance on the East Sea, which had been clarifiedat the 36th ASEAN Summit in June, the 53rd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting inSeptember, as well as this 37th ASEAN Summit.
He emphasised that both sides need to keepmaking efforts to fully and seriously implement the Declaration on the Conductof Parties in the East Sea and build an efficient and effective code of conductin the waters that is in line with international law and the 1982 UNCLOS.
The PM expressed his belief that with mutualtrust and understanding, the friendship and cooperation built up over the lastthree decades between ASEAN and China will be further promoted, therebycontributing to regional stability and development./.