Asian paediatricians share expertise

The seventh conference of the Asian Society of Pediatric Anesthesiologists (ASPA) opened at Pediatrics Hospital 1 in HCM City on March 26.

The seventh conference of the Asian Society of Pediatric Anesthesiologists (ASPA) opened at Pediatrics Hospital 1 in HCM City on March 26.

More than 200 pediatric anesthesiologists and pediatricians from Vietnam and other Asian countries discussed anaesthetisation in newborn and fetus surgery and heart surgery.  

The two-day conference also heard reports on anaesthetising premature babies and children with congenital heart defects, as well as protecting against myocardium in children’s heart surgery.

Director of Pediatrics Hospital 1 Tang Chi Thuong said that the conference is an opportunity for Asian doctors to meet and exchange experiences. The conference is expected to help reduce the newborn fatality rate and the number of children who fatally suffer congenital heart defects./.

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