Attractive sand dunes in Binh Thuan

The south central province of Binh Thuan is endowed with sand hills and dunes dubbed as “little deserts,” whose colours change depending on the angle of the sun or cloud cover.
Attractive sand dunes in Binh Thuan ảnh 1A Triathlon tournament takes place in Bau Trang landscape (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The south central province of Binh Thuan is endowed with sand hills and dunes dubbed as “little deserts,” whose colours change depending on the angle of the sun or cloud cover.

The sand dunes have attracted crowds of international tourists, painters, poets and photographers who come to find inspirations for their works.

Many people say that if immense sand dunes are raw materials, wind is the artist who creates magical pictures of ‘sandy seas’, with ripples, soft curves, and gentle valleys.

For those who love to travel, especially discovery tourism, the immensity of the ‘sandy sea’ offers an unexpected charm.

Ninh Thuan is well-known for sand dunes and hills suitable for those who love outdoor activities such as hill climbing, sand-boarding, camel riding, or jeep tours.

Doi Cat Bay (White Sand Dunes) - a magical tourist destination

Doi Cat Bay is a very famous destination in Binh Thuan. White Sand Dunes, the most outstanding sandy hills in Binh Thuan in particular and Vietnam in general, is located Mui Ne ward, Phan Thiet city. It was recognised as a provincial-level relic site following a decision signed by the chairman of the provincial People’s Committee on November 4, 2019.

Tiptoeing along White Sand Dunes is one of should-not-miss things to do in Mui Ne, apart from enjoying great time in cool seawater. Such sand dunes make Mui Ne more attractive and a unique spot in Binh Thuan as well as in a tropical country like Vietnam.

White Sand Dunes’ unique beauty is a combination of natural factors such as sunlight, winds and sand, making itself a wild charming.

This unique beauty has made White Sand Dunes recognised by the Vietnam Record Book Centre (Vietkings) as the sand dune that changes its natural shape the most in Vietnam.

It was also featured the 4th must-visit address on Huffington Post’s list of 19 Places in South East Asia.

In addition to a famous landscape, White Sand Dunes is also known as a place with rich and diverse flora used for medicines, foods and wood, becoming an ideal eco-tourism destination for visitors to discover and experience typical coastal vegetation.

Trinh Nu Sand Dunes

Trinh Nu (virgin) or Bau Trang (while lake) Sand Dunes is in Hoa Thang commune, Bac Binh district, Binh Thuan province.

Attractive sand dunes in Binh Thuan ảnh 2A triathlon tournament is taking place in Bau Trang landscape (Photo: VNA)

Visiting Bau Trang, tourists can rent motorboats, paddle boats or water bikes to explore the beauty of the ‘oasis in the desert’. Visitors can also organise camping, fishing in forests, or rent motorbikes to roam about beautiful sand hills so as to experience the feelings of characters in adventure movies.

A highlight of the Trinh Nu Sand Dunes is a large lake filled with water all year round, creating a poetic natural landscape. It is over 4km long, 400m wide, and divided into two parts – Bau Ong which is small and long and Bau Ba which is wide and deep.

The wonderful combination of soft winding sandbanks and clear water creates an extremely magical feeling.

Boosting Binh Thuan tourism

Over the past 25 years of development and integration, the local tourism sector has been on the track of growth, becoming a bright spot in Vietnam’s tourism map and a well-known sea relaxation destination in the world.

Attractive sand dunes in Binh Thuan ảnh 3Yen cape in Hoa Thang commune is a new, untouched destination (Photo: VNA)

The total solar eclipse that took place on October 24, 1995, attracted hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world to Mui Ne-Phan Thiet-Binh Thuan to admire the amazing beauty of nature, including many domestic and foreign businessmen looking for investment opportunities.

In 2018, visitors had a chance to admire "unique" works of art from sand in the Forgotten Land Sand Sculpture Park, known as the world's first sand statue park.

Binh Thuan is working to turn the Mui Ne national tourist site into one of leading destinations in the Asia – Pacific region by 2030.

The province aims to welcome 9 million visitors by 2025, including about 1.5 million foreigners, earn 24 trillion VND in total revenue from tourism and create jobs for 24,000 people./.


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