Hanoi (VNA) - Vietnam importednearly 11,700 cars worth more than 273 million USD in the first month of 2019,marking the fifth consecutive month with a volume of at least 10,000 units,according to statistics from the General Department of Vietnam Customs.
This figure is about 46 times higher than inJanuary last year, which saw particularly low import numbers – just 246 cars –because many companies, including Honda, Toyota, Ford, Nissan and Mitsubishi,announced halts on imports after the Government issued Decree 116 on theconditions for production and assembly and requirements for warranty andmaintenance services. These difficulties have since been resolved, allowingimports to resume.
The General Department of Vietnam Customs saidthat 67 percent of vehicles imported in January were cars with nine seats orfewer. Trucks made up 30 percent of vehicle imports and the remainders werecars with more than nine seats and special-purpose vehicles.
Thailand and Indonesia remained the largestexporters of cars to Vietnam. Of the January imports, nearly 7,400 cars – 63 percent– came from Thailand, worth 153 million USD.
According to the Vietnam Automobile Manufacturers’Association (VAMA), the domestic market witnessed January sales of nearly33,500 units, up 27 percent versus the same period last year. Passenger carsled with nearly 27,400 units sold, followed by commercial vehicles with 5,755units and special-purpose vehicles with 333.-VNA