Bac Giang province endeavours to improve public administration

The northern province of Bac Giang is committed to improving its Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI) in a bid to create a transparent and effective administrative apparatus.
The northern province of Bac Giang is committed to improving its Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI) in a bid to create a transparent and effective administrative apparatus.

PAPI is a policy tool that measures the administration and governance efficiency of the State administration system in Vietnam’s 63 provinces and cities.

It evaluates six different dimensions of provincial governance and public administration, including citizen’s participation at the local level, transparency, accountability, the control of corruption in the public sector, public administrative procedures, and the provision of public services.

In 2013, the index was compiled based on the responses of 13,892 citizens from all over the country. Bac Giang was ranked last.

Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Bui Van Hai said Bac Giang aimed to increase its PAPI score to average or higher from 2014 onwards.

A higher PAPI score is important since it improves the interactions between local authorities and citizens, thus consolidating people’s confidence, he added.

To realise these targets, the official ordered relevant committees and departments to seriously implement people-focused measures.

The telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of heads of authorised agencies will be publicised to make it easier for citizens to voice their opinions on the State and local policies and laws. Optimal conditions will also be created to give residents more opportunities to contribute to local socio-economic development plans as well as land, construction and investment management plans, amongst others.

Chairman Hai also demanded the enhancement of corruption control in the public sector, reforming administrative procedures, improving public services, and promoting the accountability of local authorities to citizens.

The People’s Committees at district and communal levels were also requested to organise monthly meetings to update residents on the latest policies and respond to matters of concern. Additionally, officials and public servants at all levels were asked to engage with local residents at least once a month in order to timely receive and deal with people’s opinions.-VNA

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