Bac Lieu develops shrimp value chain with hi-tech farming models

Bac Lieu has set developing hi-tech shrimp farming models as a primary direction to make the Mekong Delta province the "national shrimp industry hub" and develop the "Bac Lieu clean shrimp" brand.

Bac Lieu has built five high-tech shrimp farming areas with an area of 3,900 ha. The areas apply super-intensive, intensive, and semi-intensive farming models, with water-saving farming technology and biosafety farming methods.

Besides, it has paid attention to monitoring aquatic diseases and building disease-free areas and facilities for brackish water shrimp. Since 2017, the province has implemented a scheme for monitoring disease safety for export.

In 2023, twenty breed production facilities and seven shrimp farming facilities registered to build disease-free facilities.

Currently, there are 45 aquacultural processing factories for export in the province. With modern production lines, they are designed to deal with about 294,000 tonnes per year. The province's shrimp products are qualified to enter high-demanding markets such as the US, Japan, the EU, China, and the Republic of Korea./.