Bac Ninh (VNA) - Northern Bac Ninh province’ssteering board for COVID-19 prevention and control held an urgent meeting with representativesof Samsung Display on the night of April 12, after a worker at the companytested positive for COVID-19, a provincial official said on April 13.
Nguyen Huong Giang, Chairwoman of the Bac Ninh ProvincialPeople’s Committee, told the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) that it has setup working groups in charge of epidemiological investigations at the Republic of Korea - invested company.
On the morning of April 13, the province identified106 people who had close contact with the patient (F1) and 72 others who were exposedto F1 (known as F2), the official said, adding that Bac Ninh is coordinatingwith other localities to further trace F2 cases.
The province started quarantining 44 people at concentratedareas on the night of April 12 and asked F2 cases to quarantine themselves athome, while informing relevant cities and provinces about F1 cases.
Samsung Display was ordered to close all areas thepatient worked in or visited, including the production area and the canteen, and todisinfect these areas and all buses carrying workers.
F1 and F2 cases in the province have all had COVID-19tests, she said, adding that Bac Ninh has tightened control at check-up sitesin Yen Phong district where the company is located.
Bac Ninh will continue its close coordination with Samsung Display in implementing measures against the pandemic in order to resume normaloperations as soon as possible, she pledged./.