Hanoi (VNA) - The Ministry of PublicSecurity has issued a warning over a new type of scam where apparent officialbank messages are sent to customers to appropriate money.
Unlike the use ofunregistered SIM cards, the scammers have sent messages to customers under thenames of bank brands, also known as SMS Brand Name.
Through various sources,the scammers learn customers’ personal information and send them fake messageswhich include links to fraudulent bank websites.
The messages say thatthe mobile phone accounts will be invalid if users do not update their detailsonline or say that points can be exchanged for gifts. The messages link towebsites where customers can sign up for the gifts.
The websites includeofficial-looking logos and designs. After clicking the links, customers arerequired to fill their name, password and OTP code.
After the account islogged in, the scammers use customers’ information to transfer money, top upcredit cards, register for online loans and appropriate huge sums of money.
The scam has beenrecently reported in many localities.
The ministry said thenew tricks are very sophisticated and customers struggle to tell the differencebetween fake and authentic websites.
According to the publicsecurity ministry, the scams are extremely dangerous as the scammers mightrepresent State agencies to send fake news to users.
The ministry has warnedcustomers to carefully check message content before responding to messages orsigning up for offers.
Official websites oforganisations and businesses have a symbol of a key next to ‘https’ in theirURLs, the ministry said.
Bank customers areadvised to call customer service hotlines or ask for advice from experiencedpeople when receiving suspect messages.
They should also reportfake messages to banks and authorities for further investigation.
Customers shouldregularly change passwords of their online banking accounts and take measuresto protect their information.
The public securityministry has asked authorities to take measures to crack down on the scam./.