At theevent, held on October 18 at the European Parliament (EP),representatives from the friendship associations with Vietnam fromFrance, Germany, Hungary, Poland as well as the European Left,emphasised the severe and long lasting impacts caused by the defolianton the Vietnamese environment and people.
They recalled theirmeetings with the AO victims who are taken care of in Hanoi, sayingthese lives serve as the grounds for proving the long-term devastatingeffects of the chemical.
The BVFA issued a resolution on dioxinissue, asking the European Commission and the EP to make fact-findingtours of Vietnam and take actions to support AO/dioxin victims. Theresolution will be submitted to the EP.
In November 2011, aEuropean Parliamentarian group submitted to the EP a draft resolutionasking the EU organisations, the EC and the EP itself to take concreteactions assisting Vietnam in dealing with AO consequences.
From1961-1971, US troops sprayed more than 80 million litres of herbicides -44 million litres of which were AO that contained nearly 370kg ofdioxin - over southern Vietnam.
As a result, around 3.5–4million Vietnamese people were exposed to AO/dioxin. Many of the victimshave died, while millions of their descendants are living withdeformities and diseases due to the effects of AO.
The Aspen Institute, a partner in the Vietnam-US Dialogue Group on AgentOrange/Dioxin, estimates that Vietnam needs around 410 million USD todeal with the consequences of the toxic dioxin in the 2012–2017period.-VNA

Vietnamese community in Indonesia celebrates Lunar New Year
Vietnamese Ambassador to Indonesia Ta Van Thong highlighted Vietnam’s achievements in 2024, including a 7.09% economic growth rate, placing it among the world’s fastest-growing economies.