Doan Van Dung from Cua Viettown, Gio Linh district, is the first fisherman in Quang Tri to benefitfrom preferential loans in line with the Government’s Decree 67.
According to Director of BIDV Quang Tri Nguyen Sy Hong, the bank hastaken the initiative to enable local ship owners and fishermen to accesscredit loans through simplified administrative procedures.
The bank has helped 10 fishermen complete loan procedures and 15others are waiting for final decisions on design, cost and suitablemanufacturing units for their ships.
The building ofhigh-capacity, steel boats for deep sea fishing is one of the programmesintroduced under Government Decree 67/2014/ND-CP with the aim ofboosting the development of fisheries.
The move is expected to increase the tonnage of fish caught and lift the incomes of fishermen.
To be able to benefit from the programme, fishermen must be approved by the local People's Committees.
As many as 2,079 new off-shore fishing ships and 205 logistics shipswill be built under this decree, according to the Ministry ofAgriculture and Rural Development.-VNA