Binh Phuoc fosters economic ties with Cambodian provinces

A meeting was held between senior officials of the southern province of Binh Phuoc and the Cambodian provinces of Kratie, Mondulkiri and Tabong Khmum on July 10 to review their cooperation in the past year.
A meeting was held between senior officials of the southern province of Binh Phuoc and the Cambodian provinces of Kratie, Mondulkiri and Tabong Khmum on July 10 to review their cooperation in the past year.

Chairman of Binh Phuoc’s provincial People’s Committee stated the meeting would serve as a catalyst for boosting friendship and trade relations between the two sides.

Localities needed to address the challenges faced by border communities in order to maintain social order and security, as well as promoting friendship.

Speaking at the meeting, Kratie province’s Deputy Governor Hoeu Sidem spoke highly of the contributions made by Vietnamese enterprises, including Binh Phuoc businesses, to economic development in the Cambodian province in recent years.

He expressed his hope that Binh Phuoc province would create favourable conditions for Cambodian businesses to visit and learn from the experience of Binh Phuoc businesses.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of Mondulkiri province, Chanso Chantha, appreciated the sound cooperation with the Vietnamese province on constructing the border gate and roads, as well as preventing child trafficking and trade infringements.

On his part, Tabong Khmum’s Deputy Governor Ly Leng stated that he expected trade between the two provinces to increase.

Since 2014, Binh Phuoc province has signed Memoranda of Understanding with Cambodia’s neighbouring provinces on the economy, trade and agricultural development. The province is currently implementing three investment projects in Cambodia.

Last year, Binh Phuoc province transferred 20,000 cashew seeds and 40,000 transplanted cashew seedlings to Kratie province’s agricultural sector. In addition, the Vietnamese province also provided technical assistance to agricultural officials and farmers in Kratie.

Furthermore, Binh Phuoc province invested 12 billion VND (558,000 USD in the construction of Song Mang bridge, which links the province’s Hoang Dieu border gate and La Pa Khe border gate in Mondulkiri province.-VNA

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