Binh Phuoc: Four wild animals released back to nature

The Centre for Rescue, Conservation and Development of Wild Animals of the Bu Gia Map National Park in the southern province of Binh Phuoc has recently coordinated with forest rangers to return four rare animals to nature.
Binh Phuoc: Four wild animals released back to nature ảnh 1A long-tailed macaque after being released (Photo: VNA)
Binh Phuoc (VNA) - The Centre for Rescue, Conservation and Development of Wild Animals of the Bu Gia Map National Park in the southern province of Binh Phuoc has recently coordinated with forest rangers to return four rare animals to nature.

The released animals, including two long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), a wildcat (Felis silvestris), and a pygmy slow loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus), were handed over to the centre by local people in early 2021. They had been treated and taken care of in a semi-wild environment for between four and five months.

After the release, the centre will continue to keep a close watch on the animals’ adaptation to their new living environment in 15 days.

The pygmy slow loris is listed in the IB group of endangered and critically-endangered animals, according to the Government’s Decree No 6/2019/ND-CP issued on January 22, 2019.

The wildcat and long-tailed macaque, meanwhile, belongs to Group IIB of rare and endangered animals restricted from being held in captivity, hunted and used for commercial purposes./.

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