The activity aimed to continue enhancing the coordination in managingand protecting the border, fighting against cross-border crimes, and safeguardingpolitical security and social order and safety in border areas.
The two sides patrolled an over-3km stretch from Marker No.2 to MarkerNo.3 on the Vietnam - China border. They examined the markers and exchangedinformation about border management and protection.
They shared the view that the borderline stretch they are incharge of always faces latent risks of crimes, especially illegal exit andentry, smuggling, and illegal cross-border transportation of goods.
Since the A Pa Chai (Vietnam) - Longfu (China) border crossingwas reopened, both sides have stepped up communications among local residents toraise public awareness of regulations on exit and entry and related rules, and encourage them not to engage in or lend a hand to illegal cross-border trading and transportation of goods.
Jointpatrols are regular activities of the two sides’ border defence forces to guaranteestability and security in border areas of Muong Nhe district of Vietnam’s DienBien province and Jiangcheng district of China’s Yunnan province, therebyhelping maintain peace, stability, and development along the shared border./.