In a recent interview granted to theVietnam News Agency, he said the continuous improvement of the nation brand ofVietnam in the world rankings comes as a result of the Party’s properguidelines and the Government’s strong directions in respect of economic,political, diplomatic, cultural, and social affairs, which have contributed to thecountry’s prestige and stature in the international arena.
The business community, especiallythose having products granted the “Vietnam Value” title, has also exerted tirelessefforts in building and developing brands for products and enterprises, therebyhelping raise the value and standing of the nation brand in the world, henoted.
Particularly, Phu added, despitesdifficulties, challenges, and adverse impacts of economic and geopoliticaltensions in many regions worldwide, enterprises have managed to elevate the standing whileaffirming the value, quality, and brands of their products and themselves indomestic and international markets thanks to their proactiveness, creativity, and self-reliance.
The Vietnam Value Programme has alsobeen carried out in the right direction, helping build and promote the image ofVietnam as a country with quality goods and services in both domestic andinternational markets. As a result, the nation brand of Vietnam has quickly movedup in the global rankings, he went on.
The official said many enterpriseswith quality products, a number of developed economic sectors, and multipletypical products of regions will form an important basis for elevating the brandof a nation. On the other hand, when the brand of a nation is promoted ininternational markets, it is a guarantee of the prestige of enterprises,sectors, and localities of that nation. This will help foster competitiveness,investment attraction, and foreign trade.
Tocontinue building brands and increasing export value of Vietnam’s key products,in 2024 and beyond, it is necessary to keep improving all-level authorities andsectors’ awareness of brand building and development so that due attention andresources are given to the work.
Ministries, sectors, localities, andbusiness associations need to overhaul brand building and development plans,step up capacity building for stakeholders, and assist with registering andprotecting brands as well as advertising products, especially key and potentialones, in key foreign markets.
In addition, brand building and developmentmust be conducted concurrently at the national, regional - local - sectoral, andenterprise levels, according to the VIETRADE official./.