Henoted the development of Buddhism in Vietnam, which is a major religion in thecountry with more than 18,500 worship facilities, nearly 55,000 monks and nunsand over 14 million followers.
The Government leader highlighted Buddhism’s great contributions to the strugglesfor national independence and reunification, as well as in nationalconstruction.
“The VBS has always led in patriotic emulation campaigns,uniting religions and affirming the close bonds between religion and thenation,” PM Chinh said.
He added that the VBS also plays an active role in building the administrationfrom local to central levels, citing as an example that there are four Buddhistdignitaries in the 15th National Assembly and 72 Buddhistdignitaries in all-level People’s Councils in the 2021-2026 tenure.
He praised the VBS for its engagement in social welfareactivities, especially during the past fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The PM asked the VBS to continue encouraging monks, nuns andfollowers to follow the Party’s orientations, the State’s policies and law, andtaking the lead in building the great national unity bloc and religioussolidarity, while upholding fine values, advocating the good and joining inbuilding a peaceful and prosperous country for the people to live insufficiency, freedom and happiness.
Leaders of the VBS briefed the PM that the 9th National Buddhist Congress had been a success, calling on monks,nuns, and followers at home and abroad to practice the Buddha's teachings anduphold the slogan of "Discipline - Responsibility - Solidarity -Development" to join hands in building the VBS which grows stronger in thehearts of the nation.
They were also encouraged to actively participatein patriotic emulation movements, Buddhist activities for the sake of thecountry, the people and the religion; closely coordinate with the VietnamFatherland Front and mass organisations in the political system to build thegreat national solidarity bloc; and build an advanced culture and human valuesof Vietnam imbued with national characteristics and traditions. /.