Cambodia bans smoking in public places

The Cambodian government approved smoking ban in workplaces and public areas during the weekly cabinet meeting held on March 4.
Cambodia bans smoking in public places ảnh 1Cambodia bans smoking in public places (Source:

Phnom Penh (VNA) - The Cambodian government approved smoking ban in workplaces and public areas during the weekly cabinet meeting held on March 4.

Under the ban, someone caught smoking cigarettes in prohibited areas will be fined 20,000 riel (5 USD) and place owners, who fail to put "no-smoking" signs or still place ashtrays for smokers, will be fined 50,000 riel (12.5 USD).

Government Spokesman Phay Siphan said the measure mainly aimed to protect people’s well-being and to reduce the consumption of tobacco-made products.

According to the Planning Ministry's 2014 report, 60 percent of non-smokers are exposed to smoke at restaurants, workplaces, and through traveling by public transport.

Cambodia has a population of nearly 15 million, with 7.5 million adults. As an adult tobacco survey in 2014 showed that about 1.55 million adult Cambodians smoke cigarettes. 

The World Health Organisation estimated some 10,000 Cambodian people die from tobacco-related diseases every year.-VNA


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