Cambodian Minister of Foreign Affairs andInternational Relations Prak Sokhonn and Japanese Ambassador to CambodiaHidehisa Horinouchi made the commitment at a recent meeting in Phnom Penh.
Spokesperson of Cambodia’s Ministry of ForeignAffairs and International Relations Chum Sontary quoted Minister Prak Sokhonnas saying that Cambodia welcomes Japan’s wish to lift their relationship to anew level.
For his part, Ambassador Horinouchi said Japanmoves to open an office of the Japanese Consulate General in Siem Reap toincrease the number of Japanese tourists to Cambodia.
Japan also pledged to continue supportingCambodia’s National Election Committee in election work.
Currently, Japan is one of the big trade partnersand a leading sponsor of Cambodia.
On September 1, 2016, Japan launched a directair route to Cambodia.
The two countries are accelerating theconstruction of the second Japanese Aeon Mall supermarket in Phnom Penh./.