Cambodia: opposition lawmakers seeks intervention over Sokha case

Thirty six lawmakers of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) on May 30 submitted a petition to seek intervention from King Norodom Sihamoni over the case of Vice President of the CNRP Kem Sokha.
Cambodia: opposition lawmakers seeks intervention over Sokha case ảnh 1Kem Sokha, Vice President of the Cambodia National Rescue Party. (Source:

Hanoi (VNA) – Thirty six lawmakers of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) on May 30 submitted a petition to seek intervention from King Norodom Sihamoni over the case of Vice President of the CNRP Kem Sokha.

The CNRP sought the intervention from King Sihamoni after the Cambodian National Assembly voted in favour of continuing the legal procedures against Kem Sokha for ignoring summonses twice in a lawsuit relating to his alleged mistress.

Earlier on May 26, a Cambodian court recommended the police arrest Kem Sokha after he refused to go to court twice (on May 17 and 25). The court accused Sokha of disobeying its order under the term 538 in the Criminal code.

The order was announced after Khom Chadaraty, a 25-year-old hairdresser and Sokha’s alleged mistress, who sued Sokha and asked for compensation of 300,000 USD.

According to Khom Chadaraty, Sokha promised to give her 3,000 USD to buy a house and open a shop but did not do so.

The case emerged in February as records of the conversation between them on the phone leaked.

Sokha refused to make any comments on the allegation.-VNA


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