It said in a press release on May 13 that among the observers from five local civil society organisations, 9,977are from the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia, 3,211 from the CambodianWomen for Peace and Development, and 1,679 from the Committee for Free and FairElections in Cambodia.
Observer applications began on April 1, with domestic observershaving to apply before the deadline of July 12 and international ones before July19.
NEC is considering applications from 1,157 additionalobservers and two special guests, it noted.
Meanwhile, NEC has also granted cards to 190 reportersfrom domestic and foreign press agencies who will cover the election.
As of May 8, the last of the 15-day registration period forpolitical parties and candidates, 20 political parties had registered with NECto compete in the election, and 11 of them had been officially recognised.
The 7th National Assembly election is slated forJuly 23. Cambodia holds the general election every five years, with themost recent on July 29, 2018./.