Cambodian political parties hold congresses

Cambodia’s Funcinpec party, Beehive Social Democratic Party and Khmer National United Party recently held congresses to re-elect leadership boards.
Cambodian political parties hold congresses ảnh 1New Beehive Social Democratic Party President Houn Panary (Photo:

Phnom Penh (VNA) – Cambodia’s Funcinpec party (FP), Beehive Social Democratic Party (BSDP) and Khmer National United Party (KNUP) recently held congresses to re-elect leadership boards to meet requirements of the revised Law on Political Parties.

Holding its congress on September 23, the FP agreed to create a new logo that features the image of its leader, Prince Norodom Ranarith, in combination with 25 light rays representing 25 cities and provinces in the country.

The FP leader announced support for Prime Minister Samdech Techno Hun Sen’s legal measures applied for opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party leader Kem Sokha.

Meanwhile, on September 24, Houn Panary was elected as President of the BSDP in place of the party founder Mom Sonando, who stepped down after bad results of the communal election.

The same day, KNUP voted Soengho Kiri as President of the Party. Its former leader Nhek Bunchhay was charged for drug offenses.-VNA

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