Phnom Penh (VNA) – The NationalElection Committee (NEC) of Cambodia on March 5 announced official results ofthe recent Senate election, with the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) winning alandslide victory.
Four political parties, the CPP, the Khmer Will Party, the Nation Power Party, and the royalist Funcinpec Party, took part in the Senate election for the fifth legislative term on February 25.
The CPP received 55 seats and the Khmer WillParty won three seats while the Nation Power Party and the FuncinpecParty did not earn any seat.
The CPP issued a statement on March 5 recognising the officialresults of the election.
NEC spokesman Hang Puthea said the electionresults were announced earlier than expected because there were no complaintsabout the temporary election results at the NEC or the Constitutional Councilof Cambodia.
The Senate has 62 seats, but the vote washeld for 58 seats as two senators will be appointed by Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and two others by the National Assembly. The election isheld every six years.
At the extraordinary meeting on March 1, the NationalAssembly elected Sok Eysan and Heng Halim as senators for the fifth legislature./.