Hanoi (VNA) – The number of people joiningvoluntary social insurance and family health insurance rose strongly in the twofirst days of a national campaign to call on the community to engage in socialand health insurance.
During the launching ceremony, which was held on July 11 inall localities nationwide at all levels, 30,369 people registered to joinvoluntary social insurance, along with 58,803 others engaging in family healthinsurance.
Social insurance agencies in 17 provinces called on 500people to join both social and health insurance.
Five localities saw between 1,000 to over 2,000 peopleinvolving in voluntary social insurance, leading by the central province ofThanh Hoa with 2,238 people.
Meanwhile, seven localities reported from 2,000-10,000people joining family health insurance, with the largest number recorded in HoChi Minh City, of 9,821 people.
On July 11 and 12, 708 mobile communication groups were setup to reach people in all walks of life and popularise social and healthinsurance policies.
According to Deputy General Director of Vietnam SocialSecurity (VSS) Tran Dinh Lieu, the campaign has helped raise public awarenessof the benefits and humanity of insurance policies aswell as people’s confidence in social security policies of the Party and State.
He said that in the coming time, the VSS will continue tocoordinate closely with agencies and localities to roll out comprehensivemeasures to call for people to join social and health insurance, includingseeking new policies to suit the reality, promoting administrative reform andincreasing the application of technology in the work./.