Can Tho seeks cooperation with French partners

A delegation of the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho made a trip to France from September 25-29 to enhance cooperation with French partners and attend the Nice Climate Summit 2023 at the invitation of the Nice authorities.
Can Tho seeks cooperation with French partners ảnh 1Chairman of the People’s Committee of Can Tho city Tran Viet Truong (L) attends the Nice Climate Summit 2023 in France (Photo: VNA) 

Paris (VNA) – A delegation of the Mekong Deltacity of Can Tho made a trip to France from September 25-29 to enhancecooperation with French partners and attend the NiceClimate Summit 2023 at the invitation of the Nice authorities.

Duringthe trip, the delegation had a working session with the Permanent Secretary of the International Association of Francophone Mayors(AIMF), PierreBaillet, to discuss the progress of joint projects in providing equipment forschools, women’s capacity enhancement and environmental hygiene.

The delegation also met with experts of the French DevelopmentAgency (AFD) to seek investment for Can Tho’s priority projects in health care,information technology and agriculture.

At the Nice Climate Summit 2023, Chairmanof the municipal People’s Committee Tran Viet Truong presented a paper onagriculture using no pesticide at a discussion on clean agriculture, in whichhe shared Can Tho’s experience in agriculture development in the context of impactsfrom climate change.       

The Can Tho delegation also met with deputymayor of Nice Richard Chemla to discuss prospects of cooperation betweenthe two cities in health care, education, culture and response to climatechange./.

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