Canon Vietnam active in supporting poor schools

Camera company Canon Vietnam Co., Ltd on January 26 presented bookshelves and school equipment to a primary school in the northern province of Phu Tho, as part of its efforts to improve the learning environment in disadvantaged localities.
Camera company Canon Vietnam Co., Ltd on January 26 presented bookshelves and school equipment to a primary school in the northern province of Phu Tho, as part of its efforts to improve the learning environment in disadvantaged localities.

The school in My Thuan commune, Tan Son district, constructed in 2009 under the company’s “Friendship School Chain” project, received five Canon bookshelves with hundreds of book titles, 45 sets of tables and chairs, and electrical equipment such as printers and cameras.

Some other 160 sets of gifts were also given to the school students.

Since 2009, the project has been supporting as many as 33 friendship schools in 16 northern and central provinces with 77 new classrooms and 12 toilets and hand washing areas built and 240 bicycles presented.-VNA

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