Central bank, Quang Ninh best performers in 2019 Public Administration Reform Index

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) ranked first in the Public Administration Reform Index (PAR Index) in 2019 with 95.4 out of 100 points.
Central bank, Quang Ninh best performers in 2019 Public Administration Reform Index ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) - The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) rankedfirst in the Public Administration Reform Index (PAR Index) in 2019 with 95.4 outof 100 points.

This is the fifth consecutive time the central bankhas led ministries and ministerial-level agencies in the rankings.

The index score of the 17 ministries and agencies averaged85.63 percent this year, up 2.95 percent against 2018, with no ministry recordingbelow 80 percent and 16 posting higher indexes than in the previous year.

Fifteen reached 100 percent in the category of “one-stop-shopmechanism”, which was included in the index for the first time.

With 90.09 percent, the northern province of QuangNinh topped the index for the third consecutive time. It was followed by the capital city of Hanoiwith 84.64 percent, while Ho Chi Minh City was seventh with 83.56 percent.

The average index score was 81.15 percent, up 4.23percent from 2018 and the highest for the last four years.

Sixty-two cities and provinces posted improved performance,compared with just 19 in the previous year.

The Satisfaction Index of Public Administration Services(SIPAS) was 84.45 percent, up nearly 1.5 percent against 2018 and nearly 2.3percent against 2017.

The district level received the highest score (85.53percent) while the provincial level received the lowest (83.35 percent). Among16 service sectors, transport secured the most satisfaction from people andorganisations (88.45 percent), while land and environment were evaluated worst(79.06 percent).

The SIPAS among 63 cities and provinces ranged from73.81 to 95.26 percent, with 41 of them posting higher indexes.

People and organisations hope for diverse forms ofinformation access to public services, more simplified administrativeprocedures, and a shortened public service supply time.

Speaking at a ceremony to announce the indexes, DeputyPrime Minister Truong Hoa Binh lauded the efforts of ministries and localitiesin administrative reform.

He also pointed out limitations in the task, saying thatleaders of certain ministries, agencies, and localities have yet to display a senseof responsibility for promoting reforms to create changes in State managementand spur socioeconomic development.

The Deputy PM urged ministries, agencies andlocalities to step up administrative reform, revamp professional inspections,and enhance online administrative services.

It is necessary to promptly implement tasks andsolutions to push ahead with administrative streamlining and recoveringproduction and business post-COVID-19, he said./.

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