Cha ca features Hanoi flavours

Hanoi’s cuisine is known for its delicacy and elegance from the simplest dish. Cha ca (grilled fish), a simple but truly tasty dish, characterizes the essence of the capital city’s gastronomy.
Cha ca features Hanoi flavours ảnh 1Cha ca is so exceptional that Hanoi has a street named after it. The dish can be found in many restaurants and has been recommended by top global cuisine websites and magazines as a must-try dish in Hanoi (Photo: VNA)
Cha ca features Hanoi flavours ảnh 2The ingredients of cha ca consist of catfish, dill, onion, turmeric, galingale, fermented rice, fermented shrimp paste, pepper, chili, lemon, sugar, fish sauce and herbs (Photo: VNA)
Cha ca features Hanoi flavours ảnh 3To make a tasty cha ca, fermented rice and fermented shrimp paste are indispensable ingredients (Photo: VNA)
Cha ca features Hanoi flavours ảnh 4Cha ca is recommended as a must-try dish for foreign visitors on the streets of Hanoi by Cable News Network CNN (Photo: VNA)
Cha ca features Hanoi flavours ảnh 5Cha ca is served hot with rice vermicelli, toasted peanuts and herbs, and a dipping sauce made from fish sauce, vinegar, salt, sugar, garlic and chili. The dipping sauce can also be made from fermented shrimp paste mixed with sugar and lemon juice (Photo: VNA)

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