Cham people welcome Ramuwan new year

Cham ethnic people in the central province of Binh Thuan on June 25 commenced celebrations to welcome the traditional Ramuwan festival, the biggest of its kind of the local Islamic community.
Cham ethnic people in the central province of Binh Thuan on June 25 commenced celebrations to welcome the traditional Ramuwan festival, the biggest of its kind of the local Islamic community.

The most important part of the month-long event is a ceremony to clean and decorate the ancestral graves, then families worship at home in commemoration of their ancestors.

People also throng pagodas to pray for peace, happiness and bumper crops.

In recent years, the festival has drawn a large crowd of visitors and researchers both at home and abroad to explore the unique culture of the Islamic Cham community there.

Art and sport activities also shape parts of the event.

On the occasion, local authorities visit and present gifts to Cham ethnic people and wish local dignitaries a happy new year.

Binh Thuan province is home to 41,000 Cham ethnic people, of whom 15,000 are Muslims and the rest, Brahmins.-VNA

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