Children Hospital 1 gets top prize for medical service quality

HCM City’s Children Hospital 1 on February 10 was awarded the first prize for medical service quality at the Medical Check-up and Treatment Quality Awards 2016 for its “red-alert” first aid procedure.
Children Hospital 1 gets top prize for medical service quality ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Ho Chi Minh City (VNA) – HCM City’s Children Hospital 1 on February 10 was awarded the first prize for medical service quality at the Medical Check-up and Treatment Quality Awards 2016 for its “red-alert” first aid procedure.

The Medical Check-up and Treatment Quality Awards 2016 was launched for the first time by the HCM City Department of Health with the goal of honouring the best practices of hospitals operating in the city.

Being implemented since 2008, the “red alert” procedure mobilises doctors from different departments to come together to treat a patient, which saved the lives of 10 children in extremely critical conditions, including a baby falling out of his mother’s uterus in a traffic accident.

Besides the Children Hospital 1, the awards also honoured the smart check-up faculty of the Gia Dinh People’s Hospital, the online medical records of the Thu Duc District Hospital, the uprogramme supervising antibiotics use of the Cho Ray Hospital and the robotic surgery technique of the Binh Dan Hospital.

According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tang Chi Thuong, deputy director of the municipal Department of Health, said the goal of the awards is to highlight and multiply creative and effective practices of local hospitals.

A total of 35 hospitals have sent 80 entries to compete for the awards.-VNA


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