Bac Ninh (VNA) – The northern province of Bac Ninh has decided tosplash out more than 420 billion VND (18.5 million USD) on a school milkprogramme for more than 557,000 pre-school and primary pupils during 2017-2020.
Of the total, 210 billion VND (9.25 million USD) will come from the provincialbudget, some 105 billion VND (4.62 million USD) by milk supplying businessesand 105 billion VND (4.62 million USD) from parents. Disadvantaged studentswill receive free milk.
Perthe programme, pre-school and primary school students will receive three 180 mlmilk bottles per week for nine months.
In the 2017-2018 academic year, some 139,000 local children, including morethan 94,000 pre-school children and 44,000 primary students, will benefit fromthe programme.
The school milk programme was launched nationwide on September 28, 2016. Ittargets providing all pre-school children and elementary pupils in poordistricts with milk by 2020, meeting 90-95 percent of their energy demand andincreasing the heights of school boys and girls by 1.5 and 2 centimetres,respectively.
As many as 60 countries worldwide have responded to World School Milk Daylaunched by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, including Japan,the Republic of Korea, the US, the UK and Thailand.-VNA