The information wasreleased at a seminar in Hanoi on May 9 held by the Ministry ofLabour, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) and the NationalAssembly’s Committee on Culture, Education, Youth and Children.
More than 34,000 children, aged from 6 to 18, participated in thebiggest ever survey, giving their opinions on the draft amendments tothe Law on Protection, Care and Education of Children.
The revised law should set out regulations to take into considerationthe opinions and voices of children when compiling and promulgatingother legal documents and policies relating to children, according tothe survey.
Regarding the formation of a ChildrenForum, about 90 percent of children questioned demonstrated their wishto join the forum, acknowledging the benefits of being heard and sharingtheir opinions and aspirations.
It is suggested that the forum should be held every year and reach out to children of all walks of life.
The survey was conducted from July 15 to September 15, 2012.
Vietnam is one of the first countries to ratify the UnitedNations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The country promulgatedthe Law on Protection, Care and Education of Children in 2004. However,an array of new issues have emerged during the implementation of thelaw, prompting the need for revisions to create a solid and advancedlegal corridor for child protection and care.-VNA