The event was jointly held by the provincial People’sCommittee, Becamex IDC, and China Construction Bank.
Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee NguyenVan Danh said that the locality has completely controlled the COVID-19 pandemicand reopened its door, which has helped maintain its economic growth.
Binh Duong has to date attracted 4,040 FDI projects with atotal registered capital of 39.4 billion USD, ranking second nationwide, onlyafter Ho Chi Minh City.
Of the total, 1,561 projects totaling over 10 billion USDare of Chinese investors. China also ranks first among 65 countries andterritories pouring capital into the southern province.
In addition to efforts to boost economic development, BinhDuong has strived to expand international cooperation. The locality has so far established bilateral relations with 11 foreign provinces and cities, includingChina’s Guangzhou city.
Binh Duong is currently an official member, and a reliablepartner of the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) and also the first Vietnameselocality to be honored as one of 21 cities and regions with typical smart citydevelopment strategies of the world (SMART 21) by ICF for four consecutiveyears from 2019 to 2022.
Chinese enterprises expressed their interest in the province’sspecific investment attraction policies.
To attract foreign investors, the province’s leader saidthat it has prepared a clear land fund and created the most favourableconditions related to policies to help investors step up production andbusiness activities. Specifically, the province started construction on 20,000social houses to create a long-term accommodation for workers at industrialzones./.