Chinese man found illegally storing large number of face masks

Hanoi’s authorities have discovered a Chinese man stockpiling a large number of face masks produced in Vietnam for consumption in China.
Chinese man found illegally storing large number of face masks ảnh 1Police in Hanoi inspect face masks illegally stored by a company in Ha Dong district. (Source: VNA) 

Hanoi (VNA) – Hanoi’s authorities have discovered a Chinese man stockpiling a large number of face masks produced in Vietnam for consumption in China.

The city's market surveillance and relevant forces on February 9 inspected a villa located in Ha Dong district’s Van Phu urban area and found the man named Guo Calilin storing 100,000 face masks of unclear origin.

Guo said he bought these masks in Vietnam for consumption in China.

The forces seized all the masks as the suspect could not produce legal documents for the masks.

The same day, border guards in Quang Ninh province’s Mong Cai city caught a man illegal transporting 40,000 face masks across the border./.

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