Premiering nationwide in early November 2024, the movie Once upon a love story deeply moved audiences with its touching tale of love and friendship. The movie also left a lasting impression with its picturesque rural setting, exuding serenity and charm. This stunning countryside backdrop is none other than rural Phu Yen, famously showcased in 2015 hit I See Yellow Flowers upon the Green Grass.
Following the success of the hit I See Yellow Flowers upon the Green Grass, Phu Yen has become a sought-after destination for tourists eager to experience its cinematic beauty. Not only domestic filmmakers but also international crews, especially from India, have been captivated by its stunning natural landscapes. Phu Yen offers an ideal setting for various film genres, from romance and history to action and adventure.
Recognising the crucial role of cinema in promoting tourism, Phu Yen province has introduced a Film Attraction Index to draw filmmakers, along with practical support policies to facilitate film crews. Administrative procedures for filming permits have been simplified, saving time and costs for production teams. Since 2015, Phu Yen has welcomed nearly 10 film crews for movies, TV series, and music videos.
In 2024, Phu Yen province is expected to welcome nearly 4 million visitors, marking a 25% increase compared to the previous year. The development of tourism products through film has played a key role in promoting the beauty and people of Phu Yen./.