Con Co Island - ‘Green Pearl’ in war-torn province of Quang Tri

Con Co is an island in Quang Tri province possessing stunning scenery and is a tourist destination visited by many keen to immerse themselves in magnificent natural surroundings.

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The pristine forest on the island, part of a rare tropical forest ecosystem with multiple layers of vegetation, gives Con Co a rich carpet of verdant flora. (Photo: VNA)
Following a trail through the forest, visitors arrive at the Con Co Lighthouse. From a distance, the lighthouse stands tall amid the land and the sky, serving as a prominent attraction that draws many visitors. (Photo: VNA)
Despite its humble size, Con Co Island holds a strategically important position as the guardian of the southern gateway to the Gulf of Tonkin. (Photo: VNA)
Border guards at the Con Co Island Border Guard Station and the fishermen on the island have great solidarity. (Photo: VNA)
The flagpole on Con Co Island stands at 38.8 metres tall, with a flag measuring 24 square metres flying day and night. (Photo: VNA)

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