Condolences keep pouring in

Condolences from around the world have continued to be sent to Vietnam following the death of General Vo Nguyen Giap, describing his passing as a great loss to not only the Vietnamese nation.
Condolences from around the world have continued to be sent to Vietnam following the death of General Vo Nguyen Giap, describing his passing as a great loss to not only the Vietnamese nation.

The People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola said that the revered General has set an important example for future generations.

Leaders of the Palestine National Liberation Movement said General Giap’s military feats remain forever as a symbol to nations worldwide struggling for freedom.

The Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity said the deceased will go down in history as a military genius.

Meanwhile, the Party of Italian Communists described the General as an important figure in the history of the 20 th century and a symbol of the struggle for freedom of nations across the world.

To generations of communists, General Giap’s life is the essence of the fight against the imperialism and colonialism, they said.

Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Belgium Peter Mertens said with his courage and revolutionary will, the deceased will live in the mind of all workers and people worldwide.

Leaders of the Egyptian Communist Party also sent a tribute to the General.

On this occasion, foreign diplomats, including the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea Yun Byung-se, the Israel Ambassador to Vietnam, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov and Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonigo, also cabled condolences to Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.

The Mongolian Defence Ministry said General Giap has brought pride to Vietnam, stressing that the deceased will live forever in the hearts and minds of the people across the world.

A representative of the Food and Agriculture Organisation said the brilliant military strategist has inspired freedom in many nations worldwide struggling for their sovereignty.

Many organisations such as the Vietnamese Entrepreneurs’ Association in Australia, the Vietnamese People’s Association in France, the Chile-Vietnam Culture Institute and the Chile-Palestine Solidarity Committee also cabled condolences.-VNA

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