Conference promotes information dissemination on audit

Coordination between the State Audit Office of Vietnam and press agencies contribute to raising public awareness of audit-related law observance and the role played by the agency.
Conference promotes information dissemination on audit ảnh 1State Auditor General Ho Duc Phoc speaks at the conference (Source:

Hanoi (VNA) – Coordination between the State Audit Office of Vietnam and press agencies contribute to raising public awareness of audit-related law observance and the role played by the agency, heard a conference in Hanoi on June 14.

Hosted by the office, the event aims to look back and promote links in disseminating information on audit activities between the agency and Nhan Dan newspaper, the Vietnam News Agency, Vietnam Television, the radio station Voice of Vietnam, and the Dai bieu nhan dan ( People's Representative) Newspaper in recent time.

In his speech at the event, State Auditor General Ho Duc Phoc highlighted the close connection between the press agencies and his organ in recent years, saying that this helped the office effectively carry out information campaigns on its organisational structure and operation, and promote the responsibility of auditors in performing their tasks.

He expressed his hope for closer links between the State Audit Office of Vietnam with press agencies in the future, especially those signed cooperation agreements with the office, affirming that his agency will facilitate the media’s activities.

Implementing the State Audit Office of Vietnam’s S trategy to 2020, the agency has established cooperation with the media, with a focus on enhancing activities to popularise the sector’s functions and tasks, thus improving the efficiency of auditing work.

Participants to the conference said links between the office and the five press agencies contributed significantly to spreading policies and laws of the Party and State, helping organisations and the people understand about the country’s legal document system on auditing.

Representatives from the press agencies asked the office to create the most favourable condition and provide timely information for reporters to do their duties.-VNA


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