Hanoi (VNA) – The National Council forSustainable Development and Competitiveness Improvement should pay attention toissues related to culture and people like waste treatment and environmentalhygiene, which is one of many criteria to assess the development level of acountry.
Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam made the request in Hanoi on June 12 whilechairing the council’s meeting after its consolidation.
Regarding the education, Dam said in terms of sustainable development, apartfrom providing knowledge, attention should be paid to teaching how to be a humanbeing.
The council should focus on the issue, thus giving policy advice to theGovernment, he added.
To take advantage of the fourth Industrial Revolution, aside from common taskssuch as building e-government and publicity and transparency of all-leveladministrative agencies’ activities, the council may choose some areas that havemany opportunities for development like textile and logistics, according toDam.
The Deputy PM also gave specific opinions on the organisation and operation ofcommittees under the council, emphasising the council’s role of gathering coreexpert groups with professional qualifications and prestige to integrate scienceinto the council’s operation.
At the meeting, the council’s members focused theirdiscussion on the coordination and working mechanism of the council, especiallyin issues of public concern.
Ministers of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha suggested thecouncil take practical activities on monthly, quarterly and yearly bases to giveadvice to the Prime Minister.
Vice President of the Vietnam National Academy of SocialSciences Nguyen Quang Thuan stressed sustainable development is only achievedif the growth is rapid and the environment is protected, while the socialproblems are well resolved.
He said that it is necessary to take advantage of newscientific and technological achievements and the process of labourrestructuring, towards reducing the proportion of agricultural labour andincreasing the number of labourers working in industry and service sectors.
Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises(VINASME) To Hoai Nam asked the council to pay attention to promoting untappedstrengths, saying that Vietnam is lacking leading businesses that are capableof leading SMEs to create value chains, and building linkages amongenterprises.
Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Le Khanh Haiunderlined the need to enhance efforts to preserve and uphold culturalheritages, and build a healthy living environment.-VNA