COVID-19 prevention crucial to success of elections

COVID-19 prevention and control work has enjoyed due attention in all localities to ensure the success of the elections of the deputies to the 15th National Assembly (NA) and People’s Councils for the 2021-2026 tenure, according to Bui Van Cuong, NA Secretary General, Chairman of the NA Office and Chief of the National Election Council Office.
COVID-19 prevention crucial to success of elections ảnh 1COVID-19 prevention measures put in place at a polling station. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – COVID-19 prevention and control work has enjoyed due attention in all localities to ensure the success of the elections of the deputies to the 15th National Assembly (NA) and People’s Councils for the 2021-2026 tenure, according to Bui Van Cuong, NA Secretary General, Chairman of the NA Office and Chief of the National Election Council Office.

Cuong said on May 23 that the elections have been held in accordance with the set plan.

COVID-19 prevention crucial to success of elections ảnh 2Armed force in Ho Chi Minh City cast ballot on the election day. (Photo: VNA)

Several localities claimed high turnout such as Dien Bien province with 85 percent, Quang Ninh 84 percent, and Da Nang over 50 percent.

Nearly 69.2 million voters across Vietnam are eligible to go to the polls on May 23 to elect 500 deputies to the 15th NA, and nearly 4,000 to provincial-level, almost 23,000 to district-level, and over 240,000 to communal-level People’s Councils./.

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