“Creative France” programme introduced to Vietnam

The programme “Creative France”, which features the dynamism of France’s innovation and economic activity, was introduced to a press conference in Hanoi on September 6.
“Creative France” programme introduced to Vietnam ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: Getty Images)

Hanoi (VNA) – The programme “Creative France”, which features the dynamism of France’s innovation and economic activity, was introduced to a press conference in Hanoi on September 6.

The project was announced by the French President in June, 2015, aiming to tap the country’s strength in industry, culture and arts.

French Ambassador for International Development and CEO of Business France Muriel Penicaud, who is from the French Agency for International Business Development, said France’s cultural diversity is a condition to foster creativity.

Vice President of Airbus’s International Operations and Public Affairs Bruno du Pradel, for his part, informed the media that Airbus has signed three contracts to sell 40 aircraft worth 6.5 billion USD to three Vietnamese carriers during the French President’s visit from September 5-7.

Secretary of State for Trade, Crafts and Social Solidarity Economy Martine Pinville also attended the press conference.-VNA


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