Cyclone death toll in Indonesia increases to 41

Death toll of tropical cyclone Cempaka that pounded Indonesia’s Java island last week has climbed to 41, more than double the initial figure.
Cyclone death toll in Indonesia increases to 41 ảnh 1Flood caused by cyclone Cempaka. (Photo: AP)

Jakarta (VNA)
– Death toll of tropical cyclone Cempaka that pounded Indonesia’s Java island last week has climbed to 41, more than double the initial figure.

The country’s disaster agency said that among the victims of the cyclone were 25 people killed by a landslide in east Java.

Some 28,000 people were evacuated while nearly 5,000 houses were destroyed and 3,000 others inundated by the disaster.

Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said that although cyclone Cempaka moved away from Indonesia, flooding and landslides possibly happen.

The destruction from the cyclone came as the rumbling Mount Agung volcano on Bali resort island threatened to erupt.

Indonesia is prone to natural disasters and is often hit by floods and landslides.

A landslide on Bali in February killed 12 people, including three children.

In September last year, almost 30 people died in devastating floods and landslides in Garut, West Java. - VNA

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