Specifically, the city’s annual economic growth isset at 9.5-10%, even 12% by 2030, with agriculture, forestry-fishery up 2.5-3% andservices, up 9.5-10%.
Agriculture-forestry-fishery will make up about 1-2%in the local economic structure; industry-construction, 29-30%; and services,61-62%. The city’s per capita GRDP will stand at around 8,000-8,500 USD.
Da Nang will focus on seven main tasks, including economicrestructuring and growth model reform; speeding up the growth of the industrialsector, especially high-tech and IT; optimising intrinsic force and geographicaladvantages to boost services, particularly tourism, transportation andwarehouse, thus turning it into a national centre of tourism, transportation,logistics and seaport by 2030; developing the city into an internationalfinancial centre of the regional scale; accelerating agricultural restructuring;urban development planning based on international standards and developmentprinciples of a modern city; and ensuring the effective use of naturalresources, environmental protection and climate change response.
The plan sets out some development breakthroughssuch as innovation, knowledge-based economy and comprehensive digitaltransformation. Da Nang will also carry forward the role of different economicsectors, mobilise all resources to create breakthroughs in socio-economicinfrastructure construction, streamline administrative procedures and improve thebusiness environment, issue special mechanisms and policies to facilitate itsconstruction and development and contribute to the development in the centraland Central Highlands regions and the country, and raise the quality of humanresources.
By 2050, Da Nang is projected to become a big, eco-,smart and sustainable urban area, an international tourism and conventioncentre, as well as a national centre of high-tech, IT and innovation, aninternational finance, and a liveable city of Asian standards.
Its processing and manufacturing sector is expectedto expand more than 12% annually./.