Dak Lak (VNA) – Many businesses fromthe Central Highlands province of Dak Lak have been allowed by the Governmentsof Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (CLV) to invest in production and infrastructurein localities in the CLV development triangle area.
Theinvestment projects, mostly in agricultural production, forestry, electricitynetworks, transport infrastructure, irrigation and health care, have contributedto socio-economic development in Lao and Cambodian localities.
According to Dak Lak provincial Department ofPlanning and Investment, the Dak Lak Rubber Investment JSC has carried out aproject growing perennial industrial crops such as rubber and coffee in Laos withtotal investment of nearly 71 million USD.
So far, the company has put over 9,500 hectares underrubber and coffee trees, most of them in the provinces of Champasak andSalavan. The project has generated jobs for over 2,000 Lao workers with monthlyincomes of 2.5-4 million Kip (6.7-10 million VND).
Meanwhile, in Cambodia, the Dak Lak Rubber Co.,Ltd, Krong Buk Rubber JSC, and Ea H’leo Rubber Co., Ltd have been growing rubbertrees on tens of thousands of hectares worth hundreds of millions of USD.
Krong Buk Rubber company plans to plant rubberon 9,000 hectares in Rattanakiri province with an investment of nearly 54million USD. To date, the company has planted 5,600 hectares of rubber andcreated stable jobs for 312 workers. Whereas, Dak Lak Rubber is carrying out aproject to develop 2,000 hectares of rubber plantations in Mondunkiri province.
Apart from agro-forestry projects, Dak Lakenterprises have invested in building schools, medical facilities, transformerstations, power transmission lines and roads in the neighbouring countries.
The province has proposed the Government soonpromulgate specialised mechanisms and policies for socio-economic developmentalong the borderline. It also called for assistance to extend the NationalHighway 29 to Dak Rue border gate to facilitate investment, trade, economicsand tourism activities in the CLV Development Triangle Area.-VNA